22.67 Principles of Plasma Diagnostics

Final Exam, Fall 2006

1:30-4:30pm Room NW16-213 19 Dec 2006

Open Book (No phones). Cite reference for formulas used without proof.

1. A long cylindrical floating langmuir probe of radius rp resides in a plasma of which the ions are completely collisionless, have negligible energy far from the probe, and are thus attracted to the probe with purely radial velocity. The electron density is governed by the Boltzmann factor with temperature Te. The Debye length is negligible with respect to the probe radius. The ions have charge Ze.
Derive from basic principles the potential at which the quasi-neutral solution has infinite derivative. Take this value as the sheath edge.
Obtain the full solution of the potential profile expressed implicitly in the form of a solution for radius r as a function of potential.
From this solution, determine how the potential varies explicitly with r, asymptotically far from the probe.
Derive an equation for the value of the probe potential in units of Te/e, and solve it approximately when the ions are doubly ionized Helium (Z=2, mi=4 mproton).

2. This question concerns scattering from plasma density fluctuations due to turbulence that is extremely elongated along the magnetic field direction. The density fluctuation Fourier components having k||k.B ≠ 0 can be considered to have zero power, while those for which k||k.B = 0 have substantial power for all perpendicular wave-vectors such that |k| ≈ k0.
A collective scattering experiment is described in a coordinate system in which the magnetic field is in the z direction, and the incident radiation propagating in the x direction. The incident radiation wavelength is λ( << 2π/ k0) which corresponds to a wave frequency far larger than any frequency associated with the density fluctuations. The incident beam can be taken as having plane wave-fronts with a large transverse extent in the y and z directions. After passing through the plasma, the beam and any radiation scattered through small angles passes through a lens of diameter D (at x=0) which focuses the radiation onto a detector plane a distance x=L from the lens. The location in the detector plane can be written as a 2-D vector: (y,z). The incident beam focus is the origin (x,y)=(0,0).
(a) Where in the detector plane will there be substantial radiation intensity due to scattering, and where will there be negligible intensity, and why?
(b) Suppose that an experimenter knows the magnetic field lies in the y-z plane; does not actually know the direction of the field (the orientation of the y and z axes); but can determine in the detector plane where there is scattered intensity and where not, to a spatial resolution equal to d. (And knows that the fluctuations have k||=0). To what uncertainty in angle can the experimenter determine the direction of the magnetic field from the scattered intensity map?
(c) Suppose the detector resolution could be improved (d decreased) without limit. What would then be the limiting factor on the experimenter's ability to diagnose the field direction, and what would be his best angular accuracy?

3. LDX has a plasma roughly 0.2 m in diameter, and electron density ne=1017m−3, and for present purposes we can ignore the small fast electron population. LDX is observed to have a visible radiation spectrum in which OI and OII lines are comparably intense, but OIII is not detectably present. We'll take that to mean OIII ions are at least 30 times lower density than OII. The ionization energies (χi) of oxygen are: OI 13.6eV, OII 35eV (OIII 55eV). In this question quantitative answers to at most one significant figure are appropriate.
For present purposes, take the collisional ionization rate coefficients to be
〈σv〉 = 5 ×10−14 Ry



exp(−χi/Te)    m3 s−1
where Te is the electron temperature and Ry=13.6 eV.
What is the probability per unit time in this plasma of collisional ionization of oxygen atoms OI and OII for Te= 1 and 10 eV?
Assuming that charged oxygen ions have confinement time in the magnetic field of order 10 ms, estimate the approximate Te in the LDX plasma. Explain the basis of your estimate.
Deduce qualitatively the anticipated spatial profile of OI and OII emission. In particular, would we expect the hotter core of the plasma to have (i) greater (ii) lesser or (iii) about the same emissivity as the cooler edge?
Is it a reasonable assumption that the oxygen excited state populations for a particular ionization stage can be treated using the coronal approximation, and why?
Take the OII density to be 2% of ne and use your estimated Te. Estimate the number of photons per second of an OII line from transitions ij collected by an optical system consisting of a lens of diameter 3cm focusing on to a spectrometer slit of area 0.1mm by 10 mm, a distance of 5cm from the lens, viewing across the plasma diameter. The excitation rate coefficient for its upper level (state i) from the ground state should be taken approximately equal to the above ionization rate coefficient, and the spontaneous transition probabilities satisfy Aij=0.5 ∑k Aik.

4. Suppose that Bremsstrahlung processes dominate in emission and absorption of visible light in the interior of the sun. Take the electron temperature to be 1 keV, the electron density to be 1030 m−3, and the ions to be all protons. Calculate the absorption coefficient due to (free-free) Bremsstrahlung at a wavelength of 400 nm. Hence estimate the "mean free path" of a photon in the interior of the sun.
If the temperature of a "hypothetical" star like this were uniform equal to 1 keV, but the density had the radial form
ne = 1030 [1+ (r/R0)]−5     m−3
where r is the radius and R0=7×105 km, is a nominal start extent. Roughly how deep (to how small a value of r/R0) could one "see" into this star at 400nm wavelength?

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