22.67 Plasma Diagnostics Student Seminars.

Each credit-registered student is required to present two 20 minute summary seminars to the class, at the start of class time, covering a topic from the course chosen from the table below. The material to be covered is indicated by sections and pages from the text. What is required is an overall summary of what the sections are about. Drastic compression of the text material is required. Detailed derivations should not be given because they will be covered by the lecturer. The presentation should be planned to convey the most important concepts in a way that will be accessible to the whole class. It should be based on thorough preparation by the presenter, studying the relevant section of the text. Additional insights and examples from other sources are welcome. It may use overheads or projected materials but not more than 12 pages of material may be used. After the 20 minute presentation, the class will then discuss the topic using the presentation as a starting point. Other class members should ask questions or make comments indicating where they did not follow the presentation or where they question its accuracy. If they wish to point out additional applications or fundamental issues these are welcome. In short, the other members of the class should also plan to come prepared and actively participate. Dates are tentative and might slide by one class either way.
Section            Topic      Pages       Date Student:
4.3     Magnetic Field Measurement     133-141      24 Sep Ruiz
5.3.5-9     Bremsstrahlung Diagnostics     201-210     15 Oct Zhou
7.2     Incoherent Thomson Scattering     276-292     22 Oct Espinosa
7.3     Coherent Thomson Scattering     293-303     3 Nov Ruiz
6.1-2     Line Radiation Fundamentals     217-229      17 Nov Espinosa
6.4     Line Broadening     245-253      24 Nov Zhou

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