Ian H. Hutchinson 
Personal Page
Academic Interests
Science Research: plasma physics, controlled fusion energy. Please
see my professional page.
Monopolizing Knowledge
Check out my new book about Scientism.
Veritas Forum.
I frequently speak at events organized by
the Veritas Forum
I was a keynote speaker at the 2007 MIT Forum on Science, Faith, and Technology.
Warfare and Wedlock: Redeeming Reason Conference 2006
You can access a recording of the this talk about science and faith at
Science Christian and Natural: American Scientific Affiliation Conference
I gave a keynote speech entitled Science: Christian and
Natural at the annual conference at
Pepperdine University. Prison Fellowship Ministries
reported on this talk in their Breakpoint web news. You might be
interested in my original text, which is more
nuanced than their reporting and is published in the Journal of the ASA .
My church
All Saint's Church, Belmont
Favorite Books (of the moment):
- Godric, by Frederick Buechner
- Luke's gospel
- The Reason for God, by Tim Keller.
The Hutchinson family:
(at Simon's graduation from Bates College.)
Links to friends and other stuff.
Simon's web site
MIT Graduate Christian Fellowship. GCF
Email: hutch(at)psfc.mit.edu
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