1  Capabilities

1.1  Plain TEX

1.1.1  Mathematics

Almost all of TEX's mathematics is supported with the exception of a few obscure symbols that are absent from the fonts normally available to browsers. Support includes, for example, in-line equations with subscripts and superscripts, display equations with built-up fractions, over accents, large delimiters, operators with limits; matrix, pmatrix, cases, [but not bordermatrix]; over/underbrace [but using a rule, not a brace].

1.1.2  Formatting and Macro Support

1.2  LATEX

LATEX support includes essentially all mathematics plus the following

1.2.1  Environments:

em, verbatim, center, flushright, verse, quotation, quote, itemize, enumerate, description, list [treated as if description], figure, table, tabular[*,x], equation, displaymath, eqnarray, math, array [not generally in in-line equations], thebibliography, [raw]html, index [as description], minipage [ignoring optional argument], longtable [but see 7.3].

1.2.2  LATEX Commands:

[re]newcommand, newenvironment, chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection, caption, label, ref, pageref [no number], emph, textit, texttt, textbf, centering, raggedleft, includegraphics, [e]psfig, title, author, date [maketitle ignored: title etc inserted when defined], lefteqn, frac, tableofcontents, input, include [as input, includeonly ignored], textcolor, color, footnote [ignoring optional arg], cite, bibitem, bibliography, tiny ... normalsize ... Huge, newcounter, setcounter, addtocounter, value [inside set or addto counter], arabic, the, stepcounter, newline, verb[*] [can't use @ as separator], bfseries, itshape, ttfamily, textsc, ensuremath, listoftables, listoffigures, newtheorem [no optional arguments permitted], today, printindex, boldmath, unboldmath, newfont, thanks, makeindex, index, @addtoreset, verbatiminput, paragraph, subparagraph, url, makebox, framebox, mbox, fbox, parbox [ignoring optional argument], definecolor, colorbox, fcolorbox [not in equations], pagecolor [discouraged], savebox, sbox, usebox.
These cover most of the vital LATEX constructs. Internal hypertext cross-references are automatically generated (e.g. by ref and tableofcontents) provided LATEX has previously been run on the document and the appropriate command-line switch is used.

1.3  Special TEX usage for TTH

A few non-standard TEX commands are supported as follows 3. See also 6.4.
\epsfbox{file.[e]ps} Puts in an anchor called "Figure" linked to 
    file.[e]ps (default), or alternatively calls user-supplied script 
    to convert the [e]ps file to a gif image and optionally inline it.  
\special{html:"tags"} inserts ``tags'' into the HTML e.g. for images etc.  
\href{reference}{anchor} highlights ``anchor'' with href=``reference''.
\url{URL} like \href but with URL providing both reference and anchor.
\begin{[raw]html} ... \end{[raw]html} environment passed direct to output.
\tthtensor Subscripts and superscripts immediately following, on simple
    characters, are stacked up in displaystyle equations, not staggered. 
\tthdump{...} The group is omitted by tth. Define \tthdump as a nop for TeX.
%%tth:... The rest of the comment line is passed to tth (not TeX) for parsing.

1.4  Unsupported Commands

When TTH encounters TEX constructs that it cannot handle either because there is no HTML equivalent, or because it is not clever enough, it tries to remove the mess they would otherwise cause in the HTML code, generally giving a warning of the action if it is not sure what it is doing. The following are not translated.
 \magnification \magstep etc : Removes the whole construct.
 Some boxes in equations.
 \raisebox, \lowerbox and similar usages.
 \accent, \mathaccent.